040coders.nl: Talks and Videos. Food and Drinks. Every 3rd Thursday somewhere in the 040 region. 040coders.nl: Talks and Videos. Food and Drinks. Every 3rd Thursday somewhere in the 040 region.

Concrete Syntax Patterns


Piërre van de Laar By: Piërre van de Laar

Talk at Meetup 2024-05-18


The 040coders analyze and change software. However, their tooling is limited: We introduce the Rejuvenation Library: a tool to analyze and change software.

As any library, the Rejuvenation Library is designed to be integrated and extended.
Furthermore, the Rejuvenation Library exploits concrete syntax patterns to handle code while having almost no learning curve. We prove this by teaching concrete syntax patterns by examples in this presentation.

In addition, we show how to realize analysis – using find, filter, and apply – and changes – using find, filter, and replace – easily!


Piërre van de Laar is a Research Fellow at TNO-ESI in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, and has participated in multiple public–private research projects with Philips, Thales, ASML, VDL, ITEC, and most Dutch universities focusing on the following technical topics: Before joining TNO-ESI, Piërre worked at Philips Research in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, where he investigated the exploitation of architecture description languages for product families, visualization, verification, aspect-orientation, and dependability.

Piërre studied theoretical and computational physics and received his Ph.D. at the Catholic University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

contact: organizers at 040coders.nl
contact: organizers at 040coders.nl