040coders.nl: Talks and Videos. Food and Drinks. Every 3rd Thursday somewhere in the 040 region. 040coders.nl: Talks and Videos. Food and Drinks. Every 3rd Thursday somewhere in the 040 region.

Android Security Internals


Karim Yaghmour By: Karim Yaghmour
From: Opersys, Inc.

Talk at Meetup 20190516


Over the years Android has accumulated a large number of security enhancements. In its early days, Android relied mainly on the Linux kernel's filesystem and process isolation to implement its own permission model. Since then, Android added support for SELinux, SEAndroid, TrustZone, Verified Boot, Full-Disk Encryption, File-Based Encryption, Multi-Users and many other features.

This talk will explore Android's security model in great detail and explain how the functionality found in the hardware and the kernel is used to implement Android's security features. As we'll see, there are quite a few moving parts in Android's security model.

Because Karim lives in Canada, we will meet him in a live Google Hangouts session.

Karim's video is available on YouTube, he also shared his slides with clickable links. Use left/right or pgup/pgdown to navigate through the slides.


Karim is part serial entrepreneur, part unrepentant geek.
He's most widely know for his O'Reilly books: "Building Embedded Linux Systems" and "Embedded Android".
As an active member of the open source community since the mid-90's, he pioneered the world of Linux tracing with the Linux Trace Toolkit and introduced Adeos, one of the first nanokernels/hypervisors for Linux.
As part of his work, he's had the privilege of working with teams from a wide range of fields, from enterprise to embedded.

contact: organizers at 040coders.nl
contact: organizers at 040coders.nl